Ok i have 2 of above products which is the curly lotion and and the mouse the one with the blue colour.
Well the curly lotion does work,i use as much as required and scrunch it but i feel that it is quite thick on the hair, the smells is not quite appealing for my liking, it does give us the curls, u still be able to comb thru your hair. But the thing is the curl will not stay as long as the mouse.
Well my favorite would be the mouse the smell is so fresh and citrus, 1st i shake the bottle, turn it downwards, squeeze as big as an orange, and work the product to the hair. Scrunch and im good to go, it does not make the hair stiff, instead it makes my hair shiny and the curls stay so long , the product contains oil, so remember not to spread it all over ur scalp, as i have dry hair the the oil works wonders for my hair, it is well moisturize, and i love the way my hair looks, plus my hair becomes soft. ok the price of these 2 products is RM20- RM25 depends on where u buy and whther there's sales at the drugstore.
Personally i love the mouse and will keep buying it...LOVE IT!
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