Now welcome back to my page and this time it's facial mask. Although there is a lot of types of mask, i personally prefer clay mask, now the 1st ever clay mask i had use was from Oriflame, ever since that i really love clay mask. Ok so at the moment i'm using St. Ives Mineral Clay Firming Mask, the packaging is new but the mask is still the same, well firming mask do make u feel the tightness/firmness on your face, plus if you use it after cleansing and scrubbing with the Apricot Scrub from St Ives, you will instantly feel the skin is well cleanse, soft,and firm plus i believe that clay does wonders for oily skin. Usually i use fair amount and leave it on for 20 minutes while watching television.
That is how i look with clay mask on...horrifying right!

Anyway back to the mask again another brand that i have tried is from Shiseido The Skincare Purifying Mask, i like this mask as well, although it is not as firming as the clay mask it does make your skin feel smooth and clean too. It smelled great and my skin feels so soft for days! woohoo!I do not really know the price but my guess it cost less than RM150, i got lots of 15 ml tubes given by my aunt, i don't know why she don't wanna use it.

Anyhow there's one more from Shiseido it is the Shiseido The Skincare Moisture Relaxing Mask, well this mask is for dry skin but i have tried it myself, well just massage the mask to skin and wait for 5 minutes and quickly rinse off, well as i have oily skin it does make the skin way much oily but it's moisturizing, but i dare not use as often probably once a month.Seriously if you have dry skin this would be good for you.
I have never try those sheet mask because i think it is not really economical. Well i use mask simply to make my skin feel fresh and as an added step to the deep cleansing, i don't go for facial like some other girls but hey i do take care of it, just remember you will stick to that face forever, just take care of it. So far i don't breakout that easy unless it's period.
Do let me know what type of mask you guys use and where can i get it too ya!
Waaaa lakwan huhuhuhu besnya huhuhuhu aku tak de masa nak wat cm tu lg dah huhuhuhu balik guma jer dah penat huhuhuhu btw aku pun terasa dah nak bercuti kejap supaya blh membelai diri heheheh
Arai mask ni kalau sapu nipis dlm 10 minit jer, masa kau tgh lipat baju tu pun boleh jer pakai, tp kalau romie pakai mask sure tidur aku tak tau pasal apa
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