I get all the info i need to stay connected with IZ and was really happy to be one of his fans. So i saw IZ on tv3 in Wanita Hari Ini and he did premiered his latest song which is called JAUH, so i get to hear his new song yesterday and again great news, IZ is representing Malaysia in VOIZE awards, kindly vote for him ya http://www.voize.my/awards.php.
Ok another good news IZ is representing Malaysia for the WCOPA (World Championship of Performing Arts) and he is going to Hollywood. Wow! Ok so u guys want to know more about IZ's achievement and get connected with him, here is how:
Facebook fanpage - search IZ
Blog - kindly check http://imborntosingsongs.blogspot.com/ u guys can also click the title to this for post for easier access ok.
So i just wanna wish goodluck to our homegrown singer songwriter IZ, make Malaysia proud ya, do checkout his songs on his fanpage and vote for his song here http://www.voize.my/awards.php
ohooo all the best for him!
he can sing Malay song meh?
but i dun really like him since he's kinda "kekwat" for me lol
Yes dear he can,he did write his own song, bersama together and jauh is his malay song
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