Well, i guess by now u guys have already know that i was one of the 10 lucky fastest to click RSVP on watson events, therefore i get to takes pictures with the famous Dato Siti Nurhaliza,she is rank the most popular artists in Malaysia for 2009 and this her 13th time she won this title, back to the main story i met new friends and one old friend there, Everyone was excited that we get to take pictures as we were guaranteed the spot, now lots of people came as u guys already know judging by the local newspaper, the fact that it's a new make up line in Malaysia, lots of ladies try out, Personally i am impressed with how the foundation look on people's face, but i am not so optimistic with 2 way cake because my face tend to look cakey if i do apply, anyways i love the lipstick and lipgloss duo, i love the colour Sweet Romance , because mauve suits my skin and the fact that the gloss matches my other lipstick. I went to 3 different watson just to get it but it' not available,there's always tomorrow. I heard good feedbacks from other people so i guess i would love to try other products.
Here are a few facts about myself regarding beauty stuff:
1) I will only use liquid/gel foundation.
2) Does not own red lipstick n i mean the merah nya mak ngah kind of colour which is chilli red or deeper than that.
3) Love fruit scents over floral scents for perfumes.
4) Will stick to the products that really works although there are other variants.
5) My skin improve tremendously with Olay Total Effects.
6) In love with green and blue eyeshadows
7) Popular for my shocking pink lipstick u can catch me wearing it most of the time.
8) U can spot me make up free with messy look in town too.
9) I have unsual fashion clothes for plus size and do get compliments.
10)I can fit the XL size, it's more than XL guys.
11) Will wear kain batik and will tie it short, as short as wearing shorts.
12) Love glitters/shimmers eyeshadow, blush,lipstick.
13) U know me i am in and out of trend sometimes
hooray for fruit scents! ahhha...I dont like the flowery stuff on guys or girls...and there's no such thing as bad fashion as long as you're comfortable in what you're wearing!
"U can spot me make up free with messy look in town too"- u r just like me, love to be natural look, cewah!
Well sometimes i went to town without being prepared, just to my wallet and changed my shorts to long pants.
Keles mik gmbr dgn cT
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